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First Baptist Church Belfry is involved and committed to ministry and missions in our community as well as globally.


As members of the Southern Baptist Association, we support Annie Armstrong Offering for National Missionaries; Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for Foreign Missionaries; Eliza Broaddus offering for State missionaries and the Cooperative Program. Currently, we have a church member serving as a missionary oversees.


The Cooperative Program is unique to Southern Baptists. The Southern Baptist Convention does mission work in North America through the North American Mission Board and around the world through the International Mission Board. Both have over 5,000 missionaries heavily involved in Great Commission work.


The Kentucky Baptist Association supports Sunrise Children’s Home and Children’s Christmas Gifts. Through our association with the PIKE Association of Southern Baptist, we are involved with Love Loud; Freeda Harris Center; Appalachian Pregnancy Center and Gideon International.


Local ministry outreach includes a Food Pantry, Student Back Packs, Christmas Food Baskets for Needy Families, Samaritan’s Purse Shoeboxes, HOPE (Help Our Poor Exist), WMU, Trinity Nursing Home visitation, and Vacation Bible School.

Southern Baptist Convention

"For almost 175 years, Southern Baptists have sought to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people everywhere. The Southern Baptist Convention was formed with a Gospel vision. Its founding charter identifies its singular focus: . . . for the purpose of eliciting, combining, and directing the energies of the Baptist denomination of Christians, for the propagation of the Gospel. The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has grown to be a network of more than fifty thousand cooperating churches and church-type missions banded together to make an impact for God’s Kingdom.

North American Mission Board

"Our strategy is simple and straightforward. We believe that the Church is God’s plan—you are God’s plan—to reach North America and the nations with the hope of the gospel. As a part of the Southern Baptist Convention, the North American Mission Board is here to help local churches send the hope of the gospel across North America in two primary ways: compassion ministry and church planting."

International Mission Board

"IMB partners with churches to empower limitless missionary teams who are evangelizing, discipling, planting, and multiplying healthy churches, and training leaders among unreached peoples and places for the glory of God."

Pike Association of Southern Baptist

he Pike Association of Southern Baptists is a local network of 24 Southern Baptist churches located in southeastern Kentucky that seek to partner together to reach eastern Kentucky and the world for Jesus Christ.  The Pike Association seeks to accomplish this by strengthening our member churches, mobilizing our member churches to engage in missions activities together both locally and globally, and by establishing new Southern Baptist churches throughout the area.  

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